42 Daniel Gustav Cramer, Untitled from Woodland , 2002-05 Oliver Parker, Foxhounds, 2005 Luke Stephenson, Sarah Pickering, << HOME |
We are delighted to have the opportunity to feature the work of Loretta Lux in this issue. Jane Fletcher looks at the Victorian antecedents to Lux’s photographs of children and discusses the effect of displacement which haunts these uncanny images.
Karen Knorr ’s new series, Fables, staged in the Carnavalet Museum in Paris , features classic animal characters and plays on the tension between nature and culture.
We present David Bate’s suite of photographs, Bungled Memories, inspired by the painting The Broken Mirror by Greuze, with a text by Parveen Adams.
On the occasion of Jeff Wall’s retrospective at London ’s Tate Modern, John Slyce discusses how the artist’s work has been repositioned in line with changes in the status of the medium of photography. Garry Fabian Miller’s latest series of works, exhibited under the title of Becoming Magma, are reproduced and discussed by Martin Barnes.
We feature Alexa Wright’s photographs of opera singers which continues her work on identity; still photographs from a new film by Sarah Dobai, entitled Short Story Piece; a discussion by Mark Durden of the work of Diane Arbus in relation to her subversion of the traditions of portraiture and documentary photography; and a preview of Nobuyoshi Araki’s retrospective, Self-Life-Death by Amanda Hopkinson.
This issue also announces and presents the work of the five winners of the 2005 Jerwood Photography Awards, the annual award open to recent graduates from visual arts degree courses in the UK . Val Williams discusses the work of the recipients - Daniel Gustav Cramer, Nina Mangalanayagam, Oliver Parker, Sarah Pickering and Luke Stephenson - and suggests that photographers constantly reinvent the circumstances which determine photography, and pose questions for us all. Gloria Chalmers Contents Loretta Lux Photographs Karen Knorr Fables David Bate Bungled Memories Jeff Wall Retrospective Garry Fabian Miller Becoming Magma Alexa Wright Opera Interna Nobuyoshi Araki Self, Life, Death Sarah Dobai Short Story Piece Diane Arbus Revelations 2005 Jerwood Photography Awards Nina Mangalanayagam Snötäckt
Garry Fabian Millar,
Sarah Dobai,
Nina Mangalanayagam, Snötäckt, 2005