Cindy Sherman, Untitled, 2002














Candida Höfer,
Spiegelkantine Hamburg IV,




























































Veronica Bailey,
from 12 Willow Road, 2003

Candida Höfer, Anatomisches Institut der Universität Basel I, 2002

Candida Höfer
, who represented Germany at the 2003 Venice Biennale, also exhibited recently at Magnani in London. We are delighted to have the opportunity of publishing a number of these photographs accompanied by an essay by Susan Butler which discusses developments in Höfer's work and the ways in which she conveys the personal experience of social spaces.

Candid Höfer, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript LibraryNew Haven CT IV, 2002

Paul Graham's new series, American Night, currently on show in New York and London, pursues the artist's interest in the nature of vision. Val Williams discusses how Graham's work, a visual narrative which contrasts poverty and affluence in the American urban landscape, explores the boundaries between art and politics.

Paul Graham, American Night, 2003

The installation of Wolfgang Tillman's exhibition at Tate Britain this summer reinforced his philosophy of a non-hierarchical way of seeing. The artist kindly accepted our invitation to make a personal selection and layout of his photographs for publication in this issue and these are accompanied by an essay by Mark Durden.

Wolfgang Tillmans, Muskel, 2001

We profile Anneè Olofsson's atmospheric photographs of mother/daughter and father/daughter relationships which scrutinise deep-seated metaphysical fears. Parveen Adams discusses the paper world of Thomas Demand, and John Slyce writes on the 'unidentifiable' Cindy Sherman.

Anneè Olofsson, Unfamiliar, 2001

We are delighted to present a selection of photographs from the five winners of the 2003 Jerwood Photography Awards. Selected from over 600 applicants - Veronica Bailey, Polly Braden, Danny Treacy, Edgar Martins and Naglaa Walker - each receive £2,000 to assist them in the early stages of their careers. This new prestigious annual award is open to artists who work with the medium of photography and who have graduated from a visual arts degree course in the UK within the last three years. Through the management of the Jerwood Photography Awards, Portfolio is in a unique position to identify and publish the most innovative photographic art emerging within the UK. Guidelines for entry to next year's Awards will be announced in May 2004, in the next issue of Portfolio and on the magazine's web site.

Gloria Chalmers

Thomas Demand, Poll, 2001


Candida Höfer
Another Time, Another Space Susan Butler

Thomas Demand
Demand without Desire Parveen Adams

Wolfgang Tillmans
Uninhibited Looking Mark Durden

Paul Graham
American Night Val Williams

Cindy Sherman
Beyond Recognition John Slyce

Anneè Olofsson
The Agony and the Ecstasy Kate Zamet

2003 Jerwood Photography Awards
Introduction by Mark Haworth-Booth
Veronica Bailey 2 Willow Road
Polly Braden Made in China
Danny Treacy Grey Area
Edgar Martins Black Holes & Other Inconsistencies
Naglaa Walker On Physics


Lorna Simpson
Review by Amna Malik

Cruel & Tender
Review by David Chandler

Naglaa Walker, from On Physics, 2001



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Lorna Simpson, Call Waiting, 1997, film still




























Danny Treacy, from Grey Area, 2003













Polly Braden, from Made in China, 2003



















Edgar Martins, from Black Holes & Other Inconsistencies, 2003

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