Calum Colvin
Ossian: Fragment I




























































Anne Kathrin Greiner
Disciplined Spaces

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Erasmus Schroeter, Komparsen Frau V, 2000

Erasmus Schroeter, Komparsen Frau II, 2000 

Victor Burgin has used the iconography of landscape to reflect upon the construction of national identities in two video installations being exhibited this autumn. Listen to Britain, made following his return to England after the events of September 11, draws on films produced in Britain during the second world war and makes reference to a conservative and idealised image of the nation at a time of anxiety and fear in the West.

Victor Burgin, Listen to Britain, 2000 


A timely counterpoint is his earlier video work, Watergate, which incorporates imagery of the American Romantic Painting Gallery at the Corcoran Museum in Washington DC, to reflect upon American history and power.

Victor Burgin, Watergate (detail), 2000 

Also in this issue, Stella Santacatterina discusses the work of Susan Hiller, an artist who creates artworks which identify the ways in which vision is connected to knowledge, imagination and dreaming.

Susan Hiller, From india to the Planet Mars, 1998  

Some of the strongest work produced during 2002 on photography, film and fine art degree courses in the UK is represented in this issue by an international group of graduates: Anne Kathrin Greiner, Minka Jakerson, Jung Lee, Salvatore Arancio, Mattina Mullaney  and Paul Thomas.

Phuilip-Lorca diCorcia, Head No. 1, 2000



Victor Burgin  Watergate and Listen to Britain
Landscapes and Power by Mark Durden

Erasmus Schroeter  Komparsen (Bit-part Player)
Theatre of Light by Roy Exley

Philip Lorca diCorcia  Heads
Essay by Mark Durden

Susan Hiller  From India to the Planet Mars
Anamorphosis of the Gaze by Stella Santcatterina

Calum Colvin  Ossian: Fragments of Ancient Poetry
Calum Colvin's Ossian by David Alan Mellor

Simon Norfolk   Afghanistan
Natural's Not in It by Shirley Read

Simon Norfolk, Afghanistan, 2002

Sarah Jones   
Animating Nature by Mark Durden

John Askew  
Flower by Simon Morrissey

Anne Kathrin Greiner Disciplined Spaces

Minka Jakerson  The Yearning Room

Jung Lee  Clubgenki

Martina Mullaney  Turn in

Salvatore Arancio  The Ballroom Dancers

Paul Thomas  Sauna

Gina Glover  Outside Time

William Eggleston  Retrospective   
Review by Jeremy Millar

Hill and Adamson  Facing the Light
Review by Amanda Hopkinson

Sarah Jones, The Fence (Passion Flower)(I), 2002









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Gina Glover
Outside Time, 2002