Rut Blees Luxemburg
3-Star, 1997














Torsen Lauschmann
Places of Explsure,
No. 4, 1997


















Avi Holtzman
Army Target Range and Destroyes Vehicles, 1994















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Rut Blees Luxemburg, Caliban Towers I, 1997


Several of the photographers represented in this issue have produced work which is concerned with the aftermath of war. Avi Holtzman's The War Trilogy focuses on the legacies of the enduring conflict in the Middle East. In his accompanying essay David Green looks at the convergence of landscape and the military logistics of space and topography. Robin Dance's series of 'Landscapes of the Holocaust' was made at the sites of concentration camps and extermination camps in Ausria, Estonia, Germany, Lithuania and Poland. Owen Logan's work in Nigeria combines digital technology with documentary practice in an attempt to construct new kinds of metaphor.

British politicians are the subject of David Griffiths' series I Spy Stranger, in which he places himself at the scene of recorded interviews with Members of Parliament. We feature the work of three German-born photographers who work and live in the UK and share a common interest in architectural spaces - Rut Blees Luxemburg's suite of photographs, A Modern Project, represents the silent, anonymous architecture of London at night. Caliban Towers, Britta Jaschinski's critical and complex collection of photographs depict the public zoos of the UK, Ireland, Germany and the USA as oppressive landscapes, desolate places where animals suffer interminable misery; and the series Places of Exposure by Torsten Lauschmann, produced whilst studying at Glasgow School of Art, portrays the arhcitecture of the modern museum.

Museums also also the subject of Jim Harold's extensive series, which deal with the phenomenon of art collections and the position of the museum in contemporary culture. Bridget Smith is drawn to worlds of illusion and spectacle and has produced a series of photographs made in the Madonna Inn in California, a hotel of themed suites.



Jim Harold, John Soane Museum, London, 1996



Avi Holtzman The War Trilogy
Territory and Topography- Essay by David Green

Jim Harold Museum Series
Life and Death in the Museum
Essay by Charles Esche

Torsten Lauschmann Places of Exposure

Bridget Smith Madonna Inn
Hollow Illusions - Essay by Mark Durden

Rut Blees Luxemburg A Modern Project
Insomniac Lens - Essay by Simon Morrissey

David Griffiths I Spy Stranger
Politics in its Actual Setting - Essay by Ian Hunt

Britta Jaschinski Zoo
Life in the Same Old Cage - Essay by Francis McKee
James Morris Nature Morte

Owen Logan Home of Signs and Wonders
Interview by Pavel Büchler

Robin Dance Remains - Landscapes of the Holocaust




Endlessly: Mattew Dalziel and Louise Scullion
Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh
by Iain Gale

Ingrid Pollard - Bursting Stone Harbour Gallery, Whitehaven
by Liz Wells

The Inner Eye: Art Beyond the Visible, Hayward Gallery Touring
by Joanna Lowry

Colin Gray: The Parents, Street Level Gallery, Glasgow
by Lorna J Waite

Divine Façades: Views of Indian Architecture Impressions Gallery Touring
by Amanda Hopkinson





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Robin Dance
Still Life, Buchenwald, Germany, 1993




















Bridget Smith
Austrian Suite, 1997

















Britta Jaschinski
Indian Rhinoceeros,
Los Angeles, 1995