Andres Serrano The Morgue (Knifed to Death I)


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Andres Serrano
Budapest (The Sailor)

















Catherine Yass, Corridor







Roger Palmer, Meat
(Afrikaans, Tswans, English Xhosa)









Hannah Collins
In the Course of Time II



This issue presents new work which deals with concepts of mortality. Andres Serrano undertook a three month project in a morgue, where he photographed 95 percent of the bodies passing through during that time. The images reproduced here include a number from The Morgue series, Objects of Desire, and Budapest. Andrea Fisher presents The Classification of White, a project specially created for PORTFOLIO, which continues her work on historical memory and mortality.

Helen Chadwick's Wreaths to Pleasure, exquisite compositions of flowers and household substances, refer to rituals of love and death and a constant permeation of self. Zarina Bhimji and Catherine Yass have created photographic works for the Artists in Hospitals Scheme, a project which funds artists to create work inspired by and for permanent display in specific medical institutions. Zarina Bhimji has produced two very different sets of photographs for Charing Cross Hospital; Catherine Yass' project, Corridors, for Springfield Hospital, involves a series of lightboxes which question the relationship between identity and the authority of the medical institution.

Olivier Richon's photo-text work, The Hunt, incorporates text from Plato's Sophist and comments upon the question of imitation and on the genre of the still life. Hannah Collins' The Hunter's Space, was created during visits to Poland in 1993 and 1994, which explores the cycles of mortality and renewal and the relationship between nature and a society in transition. Roger Palmer's work in South Africa spans a ten-year period; we publish three series of works which reflect on language and difference.



Helen Chadwick, Wreath to Pleasure, Number 10


Andres Serrano The Morgue and Other Works
Life's A Bitch and Then You Die - Interview by Maud Sulter

Helen Chadwick Wreaths to Pleasure
Deliquescence - Essay by Leah Kharibian

Olivier Richon The Hunt
As Plato Feigned It - Essay by David Allan Mellor

Zarina Bhimji
Public Art Commission

Catherine Yass Corridors
L'Histoire de L'Oeil - Essay by Tania Guha

Roger Palmer Works from South Africa
Near and Far - Interview with Pavel Büchler

Andrea Fisher The Classification of White
The Classification of White - Essay by Stella Santacatterina

Hannah Collins The Hunter's Space
The Hunter's Space - by Iwona Blazwick



Europe in our Time:
David Bate and David Mabb
Camerawork, London
by Liz Wells

Nobuyoshi Araki
Zone Gallery, Newcastle upon Tyne
by Mark Little

Positives and Negatives:
Contemporary Native American Photography
Street Level Gallery, Glasgow
by Judith Findlay

Victoria and Albert Museum, London
by Joanna Lowry

Javier Vallhonrat
Hamiltons Gallery, London
by Jane Richards

New Art from Moscow and St Petersburg
Photographers' Gallery, London
by Amanda Hopkinson






Andres Serrano
The Morgue (Infectious Pneumonia I)







Olivier Richon, The Hunt















Andrea Fisher
The Classification of White











Zarina Bhimji
Untitled, 1995










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